Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Types of Cancer

Cancer is a broad term used to describe hundreds of malignant diseases that can develop in the body. It can develop is just about every part of the body, from the eyes to the heart. Each type of cancer is unique, possessing different causes, symptoms, and treatments.

Types of Cancer A - C

Types of Cancer D - H

Types of Cancer I - M

Types of Cancer N - S

Types of Cancer T - Z

Types of Cancer A - C

Looking to find specific information about a certain type of cancer? Simply click on the desired cancer type to discover the basics, such as causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention techniques.

•AIDS Related Cancer

•Anal Cancer

•Bladder Cancer

•Bone Cancer

•Brain Cancer

•Breast Cancer

•Cervical Cancer

•Colon Cancer
Types of Cancer D - H

A listing of cancer types, continued D - H. Simply click on the desired cancer type to discover the basics, such as causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention techniques.

•Endometrial Cancer

•Esophageal Cancer

•Ewing's Sarcoma

•Eye Cancer

•Gastrointestinal Cancer

•Gynecologic Cancer

•Head and Neck Cancer

Types of Cancer I - M

A listing of cancer types, continued I - M. Simply click on the desired cancer type to discover the basics, such as causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention techniques.

•Kidney Cancer

•Laryngeal Cancer


•Liver Cancer

•Lung Cancer




•Multiple Myeloma

Types of Cancer N - S

A listing of cancer types, continued N - S. Simply click on the desired cancer type to discover the basics, such as causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention techniques.

•Oral Cancer

•Ovarian Cancer

•Pancreatic Cancer

•Prostate Cancer

•Rectal Cancer

•Renal Cell Cancer

•Skin Cancer

•Stomach Cancer

Types of Cancer T - Z

A listing of cancer types, continued T - Z. Simply click on the desired cancer type to discover the basics, such as causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention techniques.

•Testicular Cancer

•Throat Cancer

•Thyroid Cancer

•Uterine Cancer

•Vaginal Cancer

•Vulvar Cancer

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